Margit Berner

Letzte Bilder - Final Pictures

Die „rassenkundliche“ Untersuchung jüdischer Familien im Ghetto Tarnów 1942 - The 1942 “Race Study” of Jewish Families in the Tarnów Ghetto

Translation: Jefferson Chase
Language: German, English
292 pages, hardcover
737 illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-95565-407-8
Publication date: 2020
39.00 €

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Notizen: Visuell 3

In 1942, two young anthropologists from Vienna photographed and examined 106 Jewish families from the small city of Tarnów in German-occupied Poland. They were trying to research “typical characteristics of eastern European Jews.” The two scholars were fully aware that their subjects would soon be sent to concentration camps and worked correspondingly quickly. All told, they examined and photographed 565 men, women and children, almost all of whom were murdered a few months later in the Holocaust. Only 25 would survive to tell of what they had been through. Their recollections together with the images and biographic data from those murdered allow us to reconstruct the lives, persecution and destruction of the 25,000 Jews of Tarnów. The names professions and photos that have survived from an in part randomly selected group stand for the fate of an entire Jewish community.

Margit Berner

ist Humanbiologin und Anthropologin. Sie arbeitet seit 1986 am Naturhistorischen Museum Wien und lehrt an der Universität. Als Kuratorin der Anthropologischen Abteilung forscht und publiziert sie zu Fragen der physischen Anthropologie, der Osteologie und Paläopathologie, zur Sammlungsgeschichte und zur Geschichte ihres Faches. 1997 fand sie in ihrer Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums die anthropometrischen Fotos der 565 Tarnówer Juden und klärte in den folgenden Jahren auf, wer diese Menschen waren.

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