Elmar P. Ittenbach

Samuel Hirsch

Rabbiner – Religionsphilosoph – Reformer / Rabbi – Philosopher – Reformer

Language: German, English
176 pages, softcover
27 illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-95565-045-2
Publication date: 2014
9.90 €

Jüdische Miniaturen Bd. 151

What is Judaism´s essence and mission? This is the central question of Samuel Hirsch´s (1815–1889) important life work. The answer is to be found in his numerous writings and in his work as a liberal rabbi in Dessau, Luxembourg and Philadelphia. In the United States he became the most influential leader of the Reform Movement. The son of a modest living cattle dealer from Thalfang developed a complex philosophy of religion on the basis of the Hegelian dialectic system. Judaism is the “absolute” religion, the “light of the nations”, chosen to retain the belief in one single God over the ages. Hirsch understands Judaism as the religion of freedom, tolerance, love and humanity. One saying of this fascinating personality is valid above all denominations and religions: “Understanding is the motto of our age.”

With a preface by Rabbi Howard A. Berman 

Elmar P. Ittenbach

geboren 1948, Lehramtsstudium (Musik, Deutsch, Geschichte), mehr als 30 Jahre Lehrer in Thalfang. Lehrbefähigung für Englisch und Katholischen Religionsunterricht. Schwerpunkt: Judentum und biblische Theologie. Beiträge zur Geschichte und Kultur der Region in verschiedenen Jahrbüchern. Autor des Buches Jüdisches Leben in Thalfang (Trier 2011).