Moacyr Scliar and the Jewish Presence in Brazilian Literature
Oct 12 2013 14:00 Brasilianischer Pavillon, Frankfurter Buchmesse
Eine Veranstaltung für Moacyr Scliar mit Marlen Eckl, Luis S. Krausz und Cíntia Moscovich
Event location:
Halle 5.1., Stand E79
Halle 5.1., Stand E79
Information about the author: Moacyr Scliar
Moacyr Scliar
Der Krieg in Bom Fim
Translation: Marlen Eckl
Language: German
142 pages, softcover with (fold-in) flaps
1 illustrations
14.90 €
Moacyr Scliar
Die Götter der Raquel
Translation: Marlen Eckl
Language: German
148 pages, softcover with (fold-in) flaps
14.90 €